Auditing dan jasa assurance : pendekatan terintegrasi merupakan pengantar bagi auditing dan jasa - jasa assurance lainnya. Buku ini dimaksudkan untuk dipakai dalam mata kuliah satu triwulan atau satu semester pada jenjang sarjana atau pasca sarjana. Buku ini juga tepat untuk kursus kursus pengembangan profesi yang bersifat pengenalan bagi kantor akuntansi publik, auditor internal, dan auditor …
In the last few years the auditing environment has changed dramatically . The failure of enron was perhaps the biggest single catalyst for change, but other corporate scandals , in the US and in Europe, also to serious concern about the quality of financial reporting and corporate behavior .
In the last few years the auditing environment has changed dramatically. The failure of enron was perhaps the biggest single catalyst for change , but other corporate scandals, in the US and in Europa, also Ied to serious concern about the quality of financial reporting and corporate behavior .